Monday 1 December 2014

The "NOT-SO-SOCIAL" Social life

"Good morning!" I am what's app'ed by a meaning well-wisher and I return the favour by wishing him/her the same. A few pleasantries are exchanged and then we all carry on with the rest of our days..

Grumbling, laughing, hating-each-moment of the day, being happy for another day in your life, delighted at the break of dawn, being irritated with just about everything in life..each of us feeling differently as we open our eyes- are wished and prayed for having a good morning! I often wonder do these forwarded messages really mean anything ? Or are they just forwarded because in a group on what's app you can't be the one left behind in wishing all and sundry and telling them how good your morning feels! What is even more annoying is, you might have not wished a "Good Morning" to the person sleeping next to you or your family at home, but marking your presence in the virtual world is more important and way beyond your presence in the real world.

People often think checking in at various spots and displaying them on your timeline adds to the cool quotient, and what is even better click a selfie and post it there! Look how cool my life is! ( I am also guilty of doing the first one, but sometimes the bug does get onto you i guess ;-) ) . Bugger as you sit in your blanket on a cold winter day, gritting your teeth and taking your sinusitis pills and laughing to some stupid comedy show on T.V. and thinking I am enjoying life! Well, reality check-- here's my life, taking me to places, making me travel to all the hottest joints in town, making me have a zillion friends ( who might never be around when I need them the most!) see how gloated I feel. As if they are announcing to the world their's is the only life worth living and you all are living but a sham!

 Image courtesy: Google Images

But then come to think of it, this person is only interested in updating his Facebook or what's app status and according to me, is not really having a good time, because if he would have then he would have completely forgotten about the phone and updating the darn status! 

Another agenda in these people's lives is to get dressed and change your DP everyday and garner as many likes as you possibly could.. In fact, some go to the extent of asking you to like their new DP! Not that I mind doing it, but imagine how hard we are struggling for acceptance here! We want to be liked by people and to be accepted by them even in the virtual world!

You can send 10 thousand smileys over the phone, but when the person is in front of you, if you don't care so much as to even pass a smile, makes it all look like a façade!

How I wish those simple days where people used to pick up the phone to call and wish a birthday, or an anniversary or another important day in someone's life could come back! How I wish, people would actually look at you all dressed up and appreciate how you looked, rather than liking your DP..
We might be sitting next to a friend in a coffee shop, but if all we can think of doing at that point in time is to check the last tinker of your phone ( a what's app message is received ), then we really need to think where our relationships are headed! 

When did the virtual world transgress so heavily into the real world? And why were we quiet when this was happening? Why did we let it happen?

I think the SOCIALITY of the SOCIAL LIFE , robbed us of the REAL LIFE!!!

 Image Courtesy: Google Images

P.S. The thoughts expressed above are only my point of view and are not to point out towards anyone..
P.P.S. The up-side is, it does help when you have forgotten someone's birthday and Facebook reminds you! ;-)

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